
Popcorn and Peanut Sales Due 10/16

Posted on Oct 12 2023 - 8:36pm


What's the best snack ever? Popcorn! I mean, there really is no corntest.

These corny jokes are nearly at an end, I promise.

Popcorn Delivery

Dec 03 2011
Dec 03 2011

Popcorn Delivery to Wal-Mart & Christ Church

Jan 20 2012 - 3:45pm
Jan 20 2012 - 4:45pm
Meet at Wal-Mart at 3:45

Popcorn Orders Due for Pack

Nov 07 2011
Nov 07 2011

Popcorn Orders Due October 24

Posted on Oct 20 2016 - 7:52pm

A friendly reminder that final popcorn and peanut orders are due on October 24 and should be turned in, together with all payments, to Pack 788. Please turn in your forms and payments to John Hughes or Tom Tyler.

And, of course, let us know what prize your scout has chosen, based on his level of sales.

Popcorn sales are wrapping up

Posted on Nov 14 2013 - 10:34am

Those who submitted orders last week (October 28th) and did not receive product this week, it is because inventory needed to be ordered.  All orders from last week (October 28th) and this week (November 4th) will be available at next week's Den meeting (November 11th).    Any orders received on the 11th will be available at the November 18th Pack Meeting.   Orders received after the 11th will not be available until early December.  The absolute last day to submit a popcorn order is November 18th -- no exceptions!!!  Remember that the money returned back to the Pack from your popcorn sales helps to cover all (if you had at least $450 in popcorn sales) or part of the $135 pack activity fee due in January.  


Popcorn Sales Start

Aug 29 2011
Aug 29 2011

Popcorn Selling Program is active!

Posted on Oct 8 2015 - 10:04pm

Our Popcorn Selling program is active.

Below you will find some helpful hints and techniques to help your scout sell popcorn this fall.


Popcorn Show and Sell

Sep 24 2011
Sep 24 2011

Popcorn Show and Sell

Sep 25 2011
Sep 25 2011